Monday, April 4, 2011

Back in Baltimore

Baltimore: Home to the greatest TV show ever created, a kickass football team, a somewhat hopeful baseball team and the writers of this blog.

After spending more than a month on the road, we returned home to Baltimore at 11:50 PM on Saturday, February 19th - 10 minutes before my sister's birthday. The next morning we went to my place (also my sister's place) to have brunch in celebration of our return, her birthday that day and my birthday the following day. Yes, we share living spaces and birthdays (almost). We're weird.

Since we got back a month ago, it's been somewhat depressing. Not to say we don't enjoy seeing our friends and family, but there's nothing like a cross-country road trip. At this point, we're beyond wanderlust -- we're travel junkies. Each morning we'd wake up, pack the car and head somewhere new. That high we got heading to our next destination made it almost impossible to be sad to leave the previous. Now that we're back, the feeling of withdrawl we had avoided is now hitting us hard. It doesn't help to be jobless and have little to do -- a stark contrast from visiting a different city each day.

We would like to keep traveling, but economics limit what we can do.  Sure, there have been a few weekend trips here and there after our trip, but nothing like what we were doing before. We were essentially transient vagabonds who had the great fortune to visit old friends, meet new people and experience unfamiliar cultures. It sucked losing our jobs, but we definitely made the best of the opportunity. We're considering doing some more traveling once my bank account replenishes -- let's hope that happens soon. In the meantime, we're still applying for jobs to give us something to do until our next trip.

This might be our last post surmising our travels, but there will be still more posts. Think of the upcoming posts as a Behind the Scenes type updates - Pictures We Missed, a Soundtrack (here's to hoping we get a movie deal) and, of course, Best/ Worst of our Road Trip. Stay tuned.

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