Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 7: Denver

Denver: Home to millions of microbrews and more medicinal marijuana offices than Starbucks.

We arrived in the Mile High city on Saturday night after our miserable drive through Wyoming.  I almost shed a tear of joy, because we were finally in civilization.  Our friend Rachel, who moved from Baltimore to Denver only a month ago, and her boyfriend Drew had pizza and local microbrews awaiting us.

Hooray agave friends!
Behemoth Breakfast Burrito
On Sunday morning, we got breakfast at Jack-N-Grill -– infamous for its massive 7 lb. Breakfast burrito, made with 5 lbs of red potatoes, 12 eggs, onions, chiles, spices, tortillas and choice of red or green (or both!) salsa.
Ayk and I dig in

Rachel and Drew with the burrito

Between the four of us, we still had a few pounds left over.

Red Rock Amphitheater

 Turning the stage into an ice skating rink

This picturesque concert venue also doubles as a free work out center.  Just try running up those steps and tell me you wouldn’t be exhausted.

Before you say it ain't no thing, don’t get so cocky, because the 6200 ft elevation makes it hard even to breathe while walking.  Then try that after eating that massive Jack-N-Grill’s Burrito.

Coors Brewery Tour
Just west of Denver at the foothills of the Rockies, the small historic town of Golden hosts one of America's largest breweries.

We all agreed that our tour guide had the personality and charm of expired beer.  At least the free samples brightened our spirits.

We left Golden and headed to Boulder, which is crawling with eccentric hippies with oodles of money to burn.  We wanted to do a mircrobrewery tour, but by the time we left Coors, most of the breweries were closed.  After a little shopping along Pearl Street, we got dinner at Mountain Sun, which is also a microbrewery.
Denver’s actually a pretty awesome place.  If you think the weather’s going to be chilly and miserable, think again: it’s warmer there (40F) than it is in Baltimore in the winter.  It is also about 60 degrees warmer than Minnesota.


  1. Love that place. Never been to boulder. Dispatch is playing in red rocks this summer. I got many of the same pics there- its absolutely gorgeous if you go in the early AM when the sun is glinting off the rocks and setting them on fire.

  2. AGAVE FRIENDS! Once again disappointed by the lack of animals in these photos.

  3. Jonathan and I went to Denver back in 09 and the Coors tour definitely changed our opinion (for the better) about Coors. Lame-o that your tour guide sucked... we did the audio hand-set thing. Denver is really beautiful!
