Monday, January 24, 2011

Midwest Tour: Milwaukee, Madison & Minnesota

Midwest: Home to dairy farms and arena destroying snowstorms.
Milwaukee: Brats & Beers Breakfast

After leaving Chicago on Thursday morning, we headed to Milwaukee.  We went to Milwaukee’s Brat House to fill us up before the Miller Brewery tour.

 Mike, holding Das Boot, is responsible for selling most of the Schlitz in Milwaukee, 
and probably the world.

Pretzel breads are my favorite, so you can imagine my excitement to know the brat was served on a pretzel roll.  To be honest, the brats were good, but nothing to write home about (though I'm writing about it in this blog).  The best part were the baked beans, a savory and slightly sweet mix of ground sirloin, brown sugar, maple syrup and bacon.  Clearly a recipe for awesomeness.

When was the last time you heard someone rave about baked beans?
Exactly.  That's how good these are.

Next stop: Miller Brewery.  I’ll be honest: I’m not the biggest fan of any domestic light beers – be it Miller, Coors or Budweiser.

However, that doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy some free samples while seeing one of the largest breweries in America.  And boy, is it big.  

That warehouse is the size of 5 football fields.  All of those boxes you see (and then some) are gone at the end of the day.  Say what you will about its taste, but Miller sure does know how to run a business.

Cheers to free beer and good business.  And designated driver, Ayk.

Madison: Chilly Campus and Car Issues
Ayk wanted to swing by to see the campus.  Sure, it had a waterfront view, but we weren't too impressed.

We also weren't happy with this part of the trip, because this is when our rental car started having issues.  We got a new one, which also had issues later that day, but we replaced that one the next day.  So far, everything's been great with that car.  Fingers crossed!

Minnesota: Buttery Burgers and Negative Degrees
Despite my stepmother’s insisting that we must visit Minneapolis, it was too cold and too far for us to swing by. We decided to stay the night in Rochester before heading to South Dakota.  I'm sure it's a cool city, but if their sports arena can't handle the winter weather, I doubt we can.

Thursday night we got dinner at Culver’s, a regional burger joint.  My friend Lucy lived in Wisconsin and recommended that we make a pit stop there.  So glad we did.  The buttered burgers were so tasty and juicy.

We finished our meal with a thick custard for dessert.  To top it off, they had the best customer service you could ever get from a fast food restaurant.

Heart attack in a bun

Woke up the Friday morning and it was –20F.  For those of you who have never experienced such brutal weather, think about the weather changing from 80F to 32F.  Then do that again.  It was that miserable.  I made the stupid mistake to leave some food in our car overnight.  Our Nutella froze solid!  We had to put our jar of chocolate spread and our loaf of bread on the dash’s heater to thaw them for breakfast.

Our makeshift Easy-Bake Oven.

Other than the mind-bogglingly low temperatures and fattening food consumed to insulate you in said crummy weather, the only items of interest were the windmills.

After that, I got nothing.  Maybe another time, Minneapolis.  Just not in the winter.

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