Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 15: Big Sur

I had never heard about Big Sur until Ayk told me about it.  This windy and beautifully picturesque road to Southern California was at the top of his list of things to see on this road trip.  I get carsick easily, so I’m just relieved I could fully enjoy this trip without getting nauseous.

My carsickness dates back to the Maui trip when I was a senior in high school.  We went on the amazingly curvy Road to Hana.  My dad, trying to be funny, would speed up on the straightaways then slam on his breaks at the curves carved into the side of a mountain.  I got carsick.  Twice.  When I wasn’t trying to hold back my food from coming up, it was the most amazing drive I had ever been on.

Thankfully Ayk drove slowly on this drive so I didn’t have to worry (that much) about carsickness. 

We tried to get a picture of ourselves with the self-timer, but it looked awful.

At the next pullover, we asked a woman to take a picture of us, and she said that from she saw us trying to take a picture of ourselves. Fail.

Blogger is being annoying (typical) and this image won't show up unless I keep it at this size.

Far away: White specks 

Close up: Birds!  

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