Friday, February 11, 2011

LA: Santa Monica & Dinner with Gwendy

Los Angeles: Home to teen pop sensations turned train-wrecks, horrendous traffic that makes the DC Beltway look tame and my friend/ former boss Gwendy.

We got into Santa Monica Tuesday night when it was dark, limiting our chances to see or do much. Once we did a brief tour of the Promenade, an outdoor shopping mall, we headed to Beverly Hills where Gwendy and Josh were barbequing for us. 

Josh & Gwendy

We played a few rounds of Bananagrams after dinner.  Best played with a brew or two in hand.


  1. Eiffel Tower!!!! Where are Souci and Olive? - jessica not david

  2. BWTS glad that Gwendy made a paleo meal for your dinner!
