Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SLC: Skiing Day 2

Weather on the mountains was much better on Wednesday.  I was surprised and excited that Ayk wanted to give skiing another chance. This time we went to Park City, which is ridiculously expensive in comparison to Alta.  It is probably because Park City hosted the 2002 Winter Olympics and has been coasting on the fame ever since.

Hosts to horrible fashions, too.
They're so adorable they can dress anyway they like.

Kayla and I helped teach my nieces, Lily and Alice, how to ski.

Since Lily has more experience, she actually did pretty well.  Alice said she knew how to french fry and pizza, but I think she only knew how to french fry.  Luckily, I was holding onto her hand screaming, “PIZZA!  PIZZA!”, to get her to slow down.  It didn’t work that well.

Thankfully my dad took over and I got to ski.  After the crummy weather the day before, we were finally relieved to get some good runs in on our last day of skiing.  Which was rather short-lived, since we got in late.  Oh, and half-day passes only saved you $10 in comparison to the full-day passes.  Sure, the runs are great, but Park City kinda sucks.  Oh, well, at least we got to ski.


  1. I forgot these two things.
    1. Dad looks like death.
    2. That outfit is hot and you just don't know good fashion when you see it.

  2. LOL...I just LOVE your blog! Nice pictures too...and the Names are Great, thanks :) PIZZA!!!! I was almost crying with laughter! Thanks for teaching her how to ski...the fearless one!
