Monday, February 14, 2011

SDZ: 3

Sundry Animals

Singing Dog.  No, not Susan Boyle.

Napping porcupines

Capybara - the world's largest rodent.  No, not David Spade.  



I didn't find a loquat tree that my mom talks about all the time, but we did find a banana tree!

 Mini La Brea Tar Pit

Not real tar.

"I have an idea for a picture ..."

 Om nom nom nom

Mastodon Tooth


San Diego Zoo: Success!


  1. Sorry you did not find any Loquats. :(
    I should have told you to go to a local grocery store. Do they still have the big brass bust of a gorilla when you enter the park?

  2. Finally ANIMAL FRIENDS!

    Three quick things:
    1. I actually liked the old man making the skull om nom on your head the best photo. (love me some geriatrics so more old people photos pleases as i am satiated of animal friends at this point)
    2. Pandas and Peacocks but why no owl friends?
    3. You should have posted something about the bird being the word. However the captain planet like photo with your hand stamps makes up for the lack of bird is the word.

  3. Mom - Apparently it's not loquat season. Aren't you growing some? Hopefully I can try them then.

    Jessica - I actually have a few more pictures of animals on the way. And there will be more of the avian variety coming soon. Patience.
