Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 15: California Pacific Coast Highway - SF to Monterey

Road trips out west were a yearly tradition when I was younger.  It’d make sense for my dad to take us on the California Coastline by now, but that man is rarely logical.  I don’t know what took me so long to do it myself, because it is amazing.  We decided to take the coastal highway -- California Route 1 -- from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

This guy told me I should take a video of him because he has a YouTube account. 

Monterey Bay

That's a huuuge gull! 

There's more sea life on this dock than in Half Moon Bay 

Those nasty brown squiggly things are barnacles, according to Ayk

1 comment:

  1. I approve 100% of the dude with the youtube account and his dog friend. He seems like a spectacular individual.
