Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Updates: Would You Rather? Edition

Instead of keeping these stories chronological and providing the LA and San Diego posts originally promised, we are skipping ahead to a story that relates to last night.

Would You Rather: Sleep with bedbugs or rats?  Last night we faced that question as we checked into a motel we reserved for $35/ night in Austin.  Traveling from place to place, we are aware of the risk of bedbugs.  We check each bed for the creepy crawlers before we ever commit to a room.  Yesterday was the first time we came across the bloodsucking bugs.  We asked for a change of room, only to be even more disappointed.

"What's that shit?" I heard Ayk say as he checked under the bed.  He wasn't being figurative.  It was actual shit.  Rat shit, to be precise.  They even nibbled on a bar of soap that was left under the counter in the bathroom.  On our way back to the office, we also noticed the distinct sickly amber hue of urine in the stairwell.

Our answer to this "Would You Rather?" was a "Hell no."  We asked for a refund and peeled out of there.  It was nearly midnight when we finally checked into a room at another motel.

I was too tired to finish the LA and San Diego posts -- and a little traumatized -- so you're just left with a story about bed bugs and rat shit.  Man, we really love our readers.

Stay tuned for our regularly scheduled posts tomorrow.


  1. When do you get to New Orleans? Thats the post I really want to see.

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  4. Wanted to consolidated three thoughts.
    1. Good News! There is a Four seasons in Austin
    2. I am waiting for Animal Friend photos from San Diego
    3. Why did you not bother to take photos of the rat feces and the bed bugs? It would have made this story more interesting.

  5. Good grief! I knew it would be a matter of time before you saw the lovely suckers! The rats probably kept the bed bugs to a minimum in the last room. How much did the rat have to pay for occupying the room?
